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- Download Actividentity Card Reader Drivers
The Saicoo CAC Card reader V2 is one of the most reliable of the CAC card readers. Many military personnel already use this card reader since many commands carry them and use them for portable computers.
That being said, this is not a permanent placement type CAC reader as compared to others in the industry. It doesn’t have a strong stand like permanent fixtures and includes a long wire which can become a hassle.
However, it’s my personal belief that CAC readers like the Saicoo CAC Card reader V2 are sort of the best of both worlds in that it can sit prominently on your desk but is easy to pick up and go if need be.
Positives About the Saicoo CAC Card reader V2
- Entire Card Held By Reader – Protects Against Loss
Negatives About the Saicoo CAC Card reader V2
- Dimmer than expected activity light
Frequently Asked Questions About Saicoo CAC Card reader V2
Although Saicoo CAC Card reader V2 is one of the most prominently used CAC readers, there are still some very important questions to be answered so as to make sure it will allow you to use it with your system without the hassle.
What is It Compatible with?
Saicoo CAC Card reader V2 works on Windows, Mac, and Linux. However, depending on the level of your operating systems, you many need to install a driver. To use your CAC with your computer, you’ll still need to download the appropriate drivers (in some cases) as well as the necessary DOD certificates.

Do I need to Install a Driver for this to Use with My CAC?
Normally, no, so long as your computer has an updated operating system, drivers should be able to recognize the CAC reader. If you do have to install or update your drivers, this article will help you do just that. There are a couple of reviews on Amazon that state that the CAC reader didn’t work for them, and I strongly believe this was because the person didn’t have the right certs or drivers in place.
When it comes to using any CAC reader from home, it isn’t just plug and play. You’re going to need a couple extra things to get started such as Drivers and ActivClient.
And while you may be familiar with what drivers are, ActivClient may be relatively new to you. So let’s discuss what ActivClient is and where to obtain the proper version for your CAC.
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What is ActivClient?
ActivClient is one of the most important pieces of the being able to use your CAC at home puzzle. It’s the actual software that allows your computer to communicate with the little computer chip embedded within the CAC itself.
The program was purposely designed with 4 major goals in mind.
- Increase Security
- Optimize Productivity
- Improve Compliance
- Reduce Costs
And for the most part, the program runs as designed. But if you’re using your CAC for DoD applications… Each branch has differences when installing ActivClient. (More info on that later.) And like most software, there are many different versions available.
It’s imperative that you’re running the appropriate version–which normally means you’re updated to the latest edition. However, it can often be difficult to determine exactly what version you need. If you’re unsure at all, don’t hesitate to ask your command or local PSD which one you need.
Where can I download the right version of ActivClient for my CAC?

Utilizing ActivClient properly is one of the biggest hangups when it comes to ensuring functional operation of your CAC reader. Normally, the hardware drivers are pretty simple. Most come with the CAC reader itself. But ActivClient is another story.
You’re going to need to independently install ActivClient to your computer.

But that’s OK. It’s not as difficult as you would believe–depending on your branch of service anyway. Here’s the best way each branch can get the right ActivClient software:
This includes Navy reservists. You’re going to need to contact your command’s IT personnel. Alternatively, you can outright purchase ActivClient 7.1 but… It’s so much simpler otherwise. Just remember, if you do purchase the software, ActivClient 7.1 works with Windows versions 7, 8, 8.1, 10.
This includes Reservists and National Guard. You can easily access ActivClient through your AKO (Army Knowledge Online) portal. Just be sure you’re choosing the right program. There’s ActivClient 7.1 options for both 64-bit and 32-bit Windows.
Here’s the link for each:
64-bit: ActivClient AKO 64-bit
Free Card Reader Driver Download
32-bit: ActivClient AKO 32-bit
NOTE: In order to best use these links, right click the link and select “Copy Link Address”. Then paste the URL above in your URL bar. This will prevent you from being directed to the AKO homepage.
Air Force
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This includes Air Force reservists. You’d think that the Air Force would make this simple for you, however… not so much. The Air Force only has a convoluted download process for older Windows OS’s such as XP and Vista. The best route to take for this would be to purchase the software outright from a third party.
We recommend getting it from SCB Solutions. One download will provide you with the capabilities to install ActivClient on Windows 7, 8, or 10.
This includes reservists. Previously, the Marines had a download for the program on their MCNOSC… but they’ve since updated and removed the download. You’ll have to get this through an external purchase. Again, we recommend SCB Solutions. It’s super simple to get and will cover all your issues.
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Coast Guard
This includes reservists. The Coast Guard currently has a download for ActivClient 6.1 on their portal. But this will only work for older OS’s such as XP and Vista. SO… just like the Marines and Air Force above, get it from SCB Solutions.
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DOD Civilians
So as far as I know, there’s no portal for DoD Civvies where you can get ActivClient. Thankfully, you can buy the software from a third party vendor.