MTK USB Serial Port Driver v1.1 is a small application for windows computer created by Mediatek Mobility Team, which allows you to install the Mediatek USB Driver on the Windows Computer.
MTK USB Serial Port Driver helps the PC to identify your phone in order to flash the stock firmware, flash the IMEI or simply transfer any file from your android Phone to another device.
Download USB Drivers for All Android Devices (Windows & Mac)2019 Miracle Box Driver Installation 2019 Free Download For Windows 7, 8, 10, 32 bit and 64bit MediaTek VCOM Driver. Grabbing USB 3.0 drivers for the PC from the Lenovo website should fix the issue as well, as Windows 7 apparently ships without USB 3.0 driver support. So, if you want to install Windows 7 on a device without USB 2.0 port, you need to pick up the drivers from the manufacturer of the device to continue with the installation.
It allows you to install the required driver on the PC for android devices running on mediatek chipset only. Since, it is an open source tool, You may use it free for always.
In order to use the MTK USB Serial Port Driver, you need to install the Universal ADB Driver on your computer.
After installing the Android Universal Driver on your computer you need to connect your Android device to the computer using the USB data cable. And once your Android device is detected by the computer, you need to launch the Tool.
MTK USB Serial Port Driver v1.1
Package Name:
Alternative Name: MTK USB Serial Port Driver v1.1
Package Version: v1.1
Package Size: 757 KB
Readme Once:
Rainbow China State Line

[*] Compatibility: The MTK USB Serial Port Driver runs perfectly on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 (32 bit and 64 bit).
[*] Take a Backup: If you are willing to try the above tool, then please take a backup of your personal data from your Android Smartphone or Tablet. As flashing any Firmware or recovery may brick the device.
[*] Other Tools: If you are searching for other useful tools then follow our Tools Section to download free GSM Tools.
[*] Credits: The MTK USB Serial Port Driver is created and distributed by Mediatek Mobility Team (developer). So, full credits goes to Mediatek Mobility Team (developer) for sharing the tool for free.
Devices Information
Drivers Rainbow China Usb Devices Pc Camera
- /usb_driver.inf
[ids]- USBVID_2E7E&PID_0701
- USBVID_2E7E&PID_0604
[version]- Signature
$CHICAGO$ - Class
{36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000} - Provider
USB Camera - CatalogFile - DriverVer
[strings]- COMPANY_NAME
USB Video Camera Disk - PID_0701.DeviceDesc
USB Composite Device (HD Camera) - PID_0601.DeviceDesc
USB Composite Device (HD Camera) - PID_0703.DeviceDesc
USB Composite Device (HD Camera) - PID_0604.DeviceDesc
USB Composite Device (HD Camera) - PID_070A.DeviceDesc
USB Composite Device (HD Camera)
- /uvc_driver.inf
[ids]- USBVID_2E7E&PID_0701&MI_00
- USBVID_2E7E&PID_0604&MI_00
- USBVID_2E7E&PID_070A&MI_00
[version]- Signature
$CHICAGO$ - Class
Image - ClassGUID
{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f} - Provider
USB Camera - CatalogFile - DriverVer
[strings]- COMPANY_NAME
USB Video Camera Disk - ProxyVCap.CLSID
{17CCA71B-ECD7-11D0-B908-00A0C9223196} - KSCATEGORY_CAPTURE
{65E8773D-8F56-11D0-A3B9-00A0C9223196} - KSCATEGORY_VIDEO
{6994AD05-93EF-11D0-A3CC-00A0C9223196} - KSCATEGORY_RENDER
{65E8773E-8F56-11D0-A3B9-00A0C9223196} - KSCATEGORY_RENDER_EXT
{CC7BFB41-F175-11D1-A392-00E0291F3959} - KSCATEGORY_VIDEO_CAMERA
{E5323777-F976-4f5b-9B55-B94699C46E44} - USB3_FX3.DeviceDesc
HD Camera - PID_0701.DeviceDesc
HD Camera - PID_0601.DeviceDesc
HD Camera - PID_0703.DeviceDesc
HD Camera - PID_0604.DeviceDesc
HD Camera - PID_070A.DeviceDesc
HD Camera - USBVideo.SvcDesc
USB Video Device (WDM)