Linux Developer Community Port Devices Driver

The Intel® Quartus® Prime software and older versions of Intel Quartus development software use built-in usb_device drivers on Linux to access the Intel FPGA Download Cable and the Intel FPGA Download Cable II. By default, root is the only user allowed to use these devices. You must change the permissions on the ports before you can use the Intel FPGA Download Cable or Intel FPGA Download Cable II to program devices with Intel Quartus development software.

Writers of drivers for other types of devices may want to take advantage of one of the other helper functions, such as allocfcdev (defined in linux/fcdevice.h) for fiber-channel devices, allocfddidev (linux/fddidevice.h) for FDDI devices, or alloctrdev (linux/trdevice.h) for token ring devices. Dxgkrnl is a brand-new kernel driver for Linux that exposes the /dev/dxg device to user mode Linux. /dev/dxg exposes a set of IOCTL that closely mimic the native WDDM D3DKMT kernel service layer on Windows. Dxgkrnl inside of the Linux kernel connects over the VM Bus to its big brother on the Windows host and uses this VM bus connection to. Normally the way it works is that the device's USB descriptors say that it has a USB CDC ACM virtual COM port, and the Linux USB drivers read these descriptors and use it to set up the PC side of the virtual COM port. Linux Display Driver - x86. Version: 390.138 Operating System: Linux 32-bit Release Date: June 24, 2020.

You must have system administration (root) privileges to configure the Intel FPGA Download Cable drivers.

Select the appropriate RedHat Linux* Enterprise version for instructions on changing port permissions:


Driver Setup on RedHat Linux Enterprise 5 and Above

  1. Add the following lines to the /etc/udev/rules.d/51-usbblaster.rules file.
  2. Complete your installation by setting up the programming hardware in the software.
    • Setting up programming hardware in the Intel Quartus Prime software

Driver Setup on RedHat Linux Enterprise 4 and Below

Linux Developer Community Port Devices Driver License


Linux Developer Community Port Devices Driver Updater

  1. Add the following lines to the /etc/hotplug/usb.usermap file.
  2. Create a file named /etc/hotplug/usb/usbblaster and add the following lines to it.
  3. Make the file executable.
  4. Complete your installation by setting up the programming hardware in the software.

Linux Developer Community Port Devices Driver Windows 7


Linux Developer Community Port Devices Driver License

For more information, please refer to the following user guides: